Scott Smith

“I believe Mesa has unlimited potential, and I am dedicated to working with you to meet our challenges, solve our problems, and set the stage for the success of future generations.”


Proven Leader. Trusted Leader.

Scott Smith was twice elected by Mesa voters as mayor and served from 2008-2014. During his time as Mayor, he successfully led Mesa through the Great Recession, changed the way the city did business, and laid the foundation for many of the successes the city enjoyed in the years that followed his tenure in office.

Smith Family Photo


  • Through over 40 years of experience in both business and government, Scott Smith has a proven record of successful leadership and dedication to Mesa.

    As Mesa’s Mayor from 2008-2014 and in his service in other areas, Scott has worked with the community to successfully define and implement a vision of Mesa that will lead our city toward a bright future.

    Scott will be a Mayor for Mesa; securing our future and unlocking the city’s potential for the next generation.

  • Your safety is priority number one. A community cannot grow and succeed if its residents do not feel safe.

    As Mayor, Scott Smith navigated Mesa through very challenging times while ensuring that our public safety maintained its level of excellence.

    His proven track record of leadership is the main reason Scott is the only candidate for Mayor who is endorsed by both Mesa police and fire professionals.

  • Scott Smith’s vision for Mesa extends beyond the present, focusing on sustainable growth, and dynamic development.

    Having witnessed the city’s transformation and growth, he is eager to use his years of experience to propel Mesa into its next phase of expansion— planning for sustainable water infrastructure, integrated building development, and fostering economic opportunities for our residents.

  • Scott Smith’s passion for Mesa extends into a vision for the future. Having gained the confidence of residents during previous service, Scott envisions a Mesa that excels in safety as well as education and economic opportunity.

Support Scott’s Mayoral Campaign